Thursday, March 24

The Joy of Joy's Painting

It's about time I tell you about Joy Malin.

A friend recently sent me a link to an
artist's site called The Painted Sole, which features my favorite thing in the whole world -- yes, of course, SHOES -- gussied up with all kinds of pretty paint jobs.


I've been meaning to write about Joy Malin, my talented friend and neighbor (we have the most creative building, I swear), for some time now, ever since I was privy to the pair of Gucci boots she painted for a music executive's trip to Paris Fashion Week. She even delicately adorned the side fringe pieces, alternating to allow for movement from light! 

See the lovelies above + below:

She's just recently started putting her fierce brush to shoes and boots, embellishing custom creations with her gorgeous talent, but she's known for animal portraits and NYC floral landscapes. To wit, her weeping willow and wisteria series that could rival the masters. 

As a fellow dog owner, her love for animals (we all love her little Yorkie, Charley, especially our Pom, Mignon!) assists her in creating the most adorable pet portraits, which can be seen here.
Accolades are flying; Joy recently was written up in The New York Times for her pet portraits, the article focusing on Neo, her daughter's sweet little dachshund.

But I'm truly in love with her stilettos stylizing and have dug up my old Prada pumps, similar in stature to these below, in hopes of commissioning her soon myself.
I can't wear the pumps, can't walk in the heels anymore (at least, not without a platform!). But who cares? 

I will have and own an original piece of artwork that treads beautifully the boundaries of two disciplines -- fashion + art -- and one that's sure forever to bring Joy to my life.

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