Friday, March 4

Where The Wild Things Are Now

How cute is this?!!!


I got my girlfriend's "tween-"aged son to put on some of my winter accoutrements at a birthday party a couple of weekends ago, and....

Presto. Chango. 

He became Max of Where the Wild Things Are! Even snarling and posing for photos, to boot.

And while Max from the Maurice Sendak book went to dinner without any supper, our Max, above, got to stay up late with all the grown ups for a stupendous organic turkey and roast beef buffet provided by our birthday girlfriend's host-with-the-most-hubby.

Let the rumpus begin, indeed!


  1. HAhahaha this is awesome!
    So happy I stumbled on your blog, it's fantastic! Following you now. ;)

    I Live For It

    Xx. Jewls and Liza

  2. Thanks, Jewls & Liza.
    And congrats on being included in's "5 Things To Know This AM" section this past Monday!
    Good to get to know ya!



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